Monday, 20 August 2007


Why is is that, even though, the CV has been around for some time it is still necessary to fill in an application form? Not only do we have to fill it in it must be done in ink. Since purchasing my first computer i have to say that my hand writing has got progressively worse along with my speeling. Did you see what I did there?

Come to think of it why does blogger make you type an capital I using the shift key. WOrd does it automatically. I find it a little annoying.

Anyway today my puppy did three wees on the mat and one poo. I have only had her for a week and this has been the best toilet training day so far. Fair enough for two wees and the poo i spotted her squating away from the mat and hurriedly shifted her. The final wee was done entirely on her own. She's a special girl and i have had no mopping up to do. (see there's that i thing again and it looks os untidy)

Well goodbye for now